Down-to-Earth Virtual Psychotherapy Across Ontario

Good Thanks Therapy works with adults (18+) virtually in Ontario and select provinces across Canada. While we work with many different presenting concerns, we are especially passionate about our work with chronic pain and illness and the LGBTQIA+ community. We understand the importance of having a comfortable, affirming space to open up and work through difficult feelings and experiences.

Chronic Pain & Illness Therapy | LGBTQIA+ Therapy

"Knowing oneself comes from attending with compassionate curiosity to what is happening within."

- Dr. Gabor Maté

You constantly feel like you need to do more, but just getting out of bed can be a challenge.

You do a good job at making it seem like you're okay, but you live with pain or symptoms that take up most of your time and energy.

You've tried therapy before, but didn't feel like your therapist really got you.

You feel stuck and unsure of your next steps. It seems like everyone understands who they are and where they want to go in life, but you feel lost.

Your mind is on overdrive; you find it hard to slow down and even harder to rest.

Hi, I'm Stacey

How often do you answer the typical “How are you?” with “I’m good, thanks!?” Okay, now how many of those times are you actually “good?” That’s why I’m here. I want to get to know you beyond the “good, thanks!” by providing a down-to-earth, non-judgmental, and supportive space for you to open up, work on goals, and improve your mental health (whatever that means to you).

Living with chronic pain and illness, I know how important it can be to connect with someone who gets it. I aim to provide a space where you can feel seen, heard, and understood by someone who's navigated chronic pain and illness themselves.

One of the toughest questions in life is, "Who am I?" Whether you're exploring your sexuality, gender, interests, or other identity concerns, I aim to provide a safe space where you can be who you are and try on different labels and self-expression when you're still not quite sure. Therapy can be an important space for exploration, and I hope to come alongside you to provide support and gentle guidance when needed.

Chronic Illness Therapist Guelph
Chronic Illness Therapist Guelph


Sound like a good fit?


pen near black lined paper and eyeglasses

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Have questions? Feel free to reach out.