Ontario Distress Lines, LGBTQIA+ & BIPOC Support Lines and Ontario Warmlines

If you are in crisis or looking for immediate emotional support, there are a number of options available in Ontario.


It’s important to understand your options when you are in need of support. Traditional means of crisis and immediate mental health support can be beneficial for many (9-1-1, 9-8-8, hospital) and result in much needed medication, care and access to resources. They can also lead to police involvement, involuntary psychiatric holds, etc. Your therapist, doctor, or other supports can help you develop a crisis intervention plan that meets your needs and help you to better understand the pros and cons of specific services in your area.


Below are resources available within Ontario (some Canada-wide) that may meet your more specific needs or be a safer alternative if you do not feel you can safely access traditional supports.


Please note, some of these supports WILL call police if necessary, and Good Thanks Therapy cannot attest to all the services listed and their level of support, but this list has been created using peer, client, and trusted professional recommendations and experiences in mind. The level and standard of care, as with all services, may vary based on a number of factors.


If you believe 9-1-1 or 9-8-8 are the best options for you PLEASE USE THEM. They can provide the necessary intervention needed when in an immediate crisis. The important part is that you have agency over your decision to engage with these services.

These services do not replace regular support and care from your community, therapist, doctor, and other services.

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