Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do You Offer Low-Income/Sliding Scale Options?

Yes! With a passion for supporting marginalized groups such as the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and those living with chronic pain, illness or disability we believe strongly in providing accessible therapy. That said, we currently only have one therapist and sliding-scale spots are limited.

Sliding scale spots are limited. Reach out for more information.

What Can I Expect During My First Appointment?

We get it, first appointment nerves are a thing! To help shake off some of that initial anxiety, we like to treat this as a time to get to know each other.

First, we provide some information about ourselves (if we haven't done so already in a consult) such as approach, style, and qualifications. We'll also review our policies and the informed consent you signed before your visit. You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have throughout the process.
The remainder of our time together is when we get curious about who you are. We'll review your intake form, ask you some questions that help us understand the context behind your presenting issue and set some goals for your time in therapy!

How Often Should I Attend Therapy?

Frequency is entirely up to you and depends on a number of factors - finances, schedules, and therapy goals to name a few. With that being said, most clients decide to come weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.

Weekly or bi-weekly sessions can be beneficial at the start of therapy to help you gain momentum (so much life can happen in a month!), while monthly appointments can serve as a good timeline for maintenance and general wellbeing.

Are Your Services Covered By Insurance?

Yes! Psychotherapy services are covered under most extended health benefits. We are not covered by OHIP. It is your responsibility to check with your insurance plan to ensure they cover services by a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) - my supervisor's information will also be on the receipt for insurance companies that require that for processing. We do not submit directly to any insurance, once fees are paid you will get a receipt by email with all the information needed to submit to your insurance company.
If you don't have insurance or run out of benefits, keep your receipts! You can claim any non-reimbursed psychotherapy services as a "medical expense" on your income tax return.

I'm In Crisis, Who Do I Contact For Immediate Support?

Good Thanks Therapy/Stacey McDonald do not provide crisis services, and we often cannot be reached by email or phone for immediate support. If you are in crisis, please call or text 9-8-8. If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 or head to your nearest emergency department. Your local CMHA may also provide crisis support services.

How Can Therapy Help Me?

Therapy provides a safe, non-judgmental space to focus on you. Therapy can help process feelings and experiences, increase self-awareness, develop coping skills, improve relationships and communication, provide emotional support, and improve self-esteem just to name a few of the benefits. At Good Thanks Therapy we believe you are resilient and have the strength and skills to overcome all that life throws at you - sometimes you just need a little extra help, and maybe a gentle reminder.

Have More Questions?

Feel free to email me at or schedule a FREE 20 minute consult and I'd be happy to answer any remaining questions for you.